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65 Roses For Samantha


This is a benefit auction for a very special little girl with Cystic Fibrosis. She is a very strong courageous young lady that has had to face many health issues in her young life.

Fortunately she has many family and friends that love her and are there for her each day to make it the best it can be for her. One of her special friends Bert Garritson, is hosting a benefit auction for Samantha to help with all the expenses that come with battling Cystic Fibrosis.

I became aware Samantha via a friend on Twitter, Bert Garritson. I hope this auction is a huge success for Samantha and her family. To learn a bit more about Samantha, you can visit her on Facebook.

Bert has done an awesome job setting up the auction and it has a great selection of awesome things to choose from. So take a moment from your busy day and check it out!


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