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Puppy is Settled into new Home


Roscoe came home on 6/22 and already is King of the castle. We just won't tell our Queen Libby who has always been the ruler. :)

Our new boy is settling in quite well and fast. Never cried for Mommy or his littler mates. He is into everything he can reach and is quite the good climber. He currently weighs in at 3.3 lbs.

Libby was not quite sure what to do with him at first but has now decided he may be kind of fun to play with. She is not big on sharing her huge selection of toys but is learning quickly that she can't hold on to all of them at once.

So far so good, here are some pics of Roscoe and Libby.


Libby and Roscoe

Oh yeah, he is big on chewing on toes and fingers :)

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