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My Neighbors Think I am Crazy.........


What would you think if you saw your neighbor out in her yard picking dandelion seeds and putting them in a jar? I am pretty sure my neighbors think I am crazy for harvesting my last batch of dandelion seeds for the year.

Can you imagine the look on my husbands face when I told him, "No you can't mow the lawn yet, I have to pick the dandelions!" Secretly he was happy to put off mowing the lawn.

Now back to the thought by the neighbors that I am crazy. I firmly disagree on most days, :). But if they want to think that because I happily harvest my dandelions, that is ok by me. 

I use the delicate little dandelion wishes to make some of my jewelry designs. They are so wonderful to put in a glass orb or vial and make into a wearable piece of jewelry you can treasure for many years. The little dandelion seeds bring me lots of memories of childhood, picking a dandelion after it is seeded out, blowing on it and wishing my wish to come true.

Stop by and take a peek at the wishy dandelion jewelry, then you can decide for yourself if I am a bit crazy for picking them. :)


 I leave the lid of the dandelion seeds to ensure they are dried and well preserved before using them in my jewelry.

Safe and secure to keep through the winter.

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